A handy guide for Music, Art + Culture events & things to do this week in Bisbee, Arizona
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Feel free to save, print, or share. All shows are subject to changes or cancellations for no apparent reason – hey, it’s Bisbee!
This Week in Bisbee is emailed Tuesdays @ 3 pm, with a Weekend Update sent on Friday afternoons.
It’s always free, but if you find you use it often, please consider a donation – a suggestion is $12 for a year’s worth of emails/events https://paypal.me/thisweekinbisbee (you may also send cash or check to the address at the bottom) If you use this list for your business (AirBnb, hotel, etc.) I suggest $20 per year. This Week in Bisbee has over 1200 active subscribers and still growing every week! If you’d like to be a sponsor, contact me.
Hardcopy printouts of this list are available outside of KBRP headquarters, 2 Copper Queen Plaza (upstairs directly above the Table).

Addresses, websites, and phone numbers of venues, if available, are at the bottom of the list. NOTE THE ETC and NEW “THIS WEEK IN BISBEE PERSON OF THE WEEK!” — SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM TO SEE WHO IT IS!
NEW on the website only! Health & Wellness section! https://thisweekinbisbee.com/health-wellness-listings/
(If you are a health and wellness practitioner and would like to be listed, please fill out the form here: https://thisweekinbisbee.com/health-wellness-submissions/)
This Week in Bisbee Sponsored By:
ARTEMIZIA FOUNDATION: Museum / Gallery of contemporary, graffiti & street art. Open Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun 11am – 4pm. Experience works by Banksy, Warhol, Swoon, Kusama, Shepard Fairey, Judy Chicago. Collection of 700 works by 100 artists from 40 countries. Featuring a 50-50 ratio female to male artists: www.ArtemiziaFoundation.org
Your business here – a short blurb about your business – email me for rates
Tuesday Feb 27
Come Sing With Us! Bisbee Community Chorus (BCC) rehearsals Tuesday evenings 6-8 pm, at the Presbyterian Annex, 24 Howell Ave., Old Bisbee. BCC is a non-auditioned chorus with friendly weekly rehearsals leading up to a spring concert April 20 and 21. Artistic Director is Nathan Darus, and our Accompanist is Timothy Dick. https://www.bisbeechorus.org/
“Howl, Chirp, Squeak, and Roar!” a teeny poetry and song festival at The Courtyard, featuring ALLIE STEWART, DAN SIMONIS, SABRINA SOLO, ALEXANDRA MOON, CHRIS MOLINARI 6 – 8 pm bring your favorite pillow
A CRAFT GROUP is at Electric Brewing Co. Bring knitting, crocheting, quilting, beading, etc. 1 pm weekly
LIT TUESDAYS with MIKE MONTOYA at Hitching Post 6:30-ish – 9:30-ish pm – show up to play a song or just relax and listen
Free pool at St Elmo
Weds Feb 28
OPEN STUDIO ART at the Senior Center every Weds 9 am – noon all mediums. BYO supplies and easel
LEATHER TOOLING at the Senior Center every Weds 12:30 – 2 pm
JAM NIGHT Bisbee Grand 6-10ish – bring your ax, sticks, and picks, and play with a gaggle of Bisbee’s best musicians but players of all levels are welcome and encouraged to sign up for a 20-minute slot. Full drum kit, keyboard, and amp backline (usually a guitar and bass you can borrow, too).
SPANISH LANGUAGE GROUP meets at Electric Brewing 4 – 6 pm
MAX RILEY Gene’s Place 6 pm

Thursday Feb 29 – Leap Day!
MULE MOUNTAIN TRIO featuring multi-talented musicians Steve Peavey, Timothy Dick, and Evan Hubbard play traditional country St Elmo 2 – 4:30ish
BECA REYES and SCOTT MUHLEMAN play an eclectic selection of acoustic tunes every Thursday at Gene’s Place 3 – 6 pm
Bluegrass/Americana from DIRTY LAUNDRY Bisbee Grand 7 pm
Leap Day Cookie Exchange at Room 4 Bar in Silver King Hotel – plus drink specials with local ID
KARAOKE WITH RUBEN Hitching Post 7 pm
BOWLING FOR DILDOS St Elmo 9-11 pm – a Bisbee tradition
LOS AMIGOS play their “friend”-ly mix of classic rock and Latin covers at Copper Queen 4 – 7 pm
Friday March 1
MIKE MONTOYA plays originals and covers at Copper Queen Hotel 7 – 10 pm
The one-woman powerhouse that is SABRINA SOLO Bisbee Social Club (BSC) 9 – midnight https://spoti.fi/3HSFs8b
Indie rock from BIG DEMONS Hitching Post 8 pm with crazy one-man-band FLICKER at 7 pm
RUTA VERBENA is a LATIN band inspired by different music styles from South America , get ready to dance!! for the 1st time in Bisbee Az dont miss it!! Bisbee Grand 8 pm
WHISKEY LICKERS, Bisbee’s jug-less jug band play Gene’s Place 7 pm https://sptfy.com/whiskeylickers
KARAOKE WITH MIKE at Electric Brewing 6 pm
“Marvel Movie March” at the Royale – tonight X-Men 4 pm tickets $5

Saturday March 2
Bisbee Saturday Market 9-1 pm in Warren Vista Park live music from SHORT NOTICE (David Dean & Derek Dickson) while you shop and chitchat with Bisbee locals.
CHESS CLUB meets every Saturday 10 am – noon at Copper Queen Library. All levels welcome, boards and pieces provided.
Grand opening of East Meets West gallery/store 8 Shearer Ave noon – 6 pm – mimosas & snacks
OUT OF THE BLUE perform jazz, funk, psychedelic, and blues every Saturday at Bisbee Social Club 2 – 5
“Marvel Movie March” at the Royale – tonight Iron Man 4 pm tickets $5
Sweet Americana from KIMMI BITTER Bisbee Grand 2 – 5 pm https://spoti.fi/3OX7RO1
Grand Burlesque presents Rockabilly Reveal Bisbee Grand 8-11 pm $10 standing $25 VIP/table expect costumes, prizes, games, and of course goils! goils! goils! Tickets https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rockabilly-reveal-retro-burlesque-show-in-downtown-bisbee-tickets-825752677487?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
DAVE MENSCH Singer/Songwriter Acoustic Rock and Country. davemensch.com St Elmo 3 – 6 pm
CHAD WEST TRIO rock St Elmo 9 – 12 am www.chadwestmusic.com
FLICKER the incredible one-man-band at Gene’s Place 7 pm
TWILIGHT BOYS do their piano-based classic rock/blues/60s-70s at Hitching Post – 8-11 pm
Folk rock from EMO LEBLANC BSC 9 – midnight
Americana from JUNIPER DJINN at Room 4 Bar in Silver King Hotel 7-10 pm https://spoti.fi/48ucd6b
DARAGH VAUGHAN AKA THE PIANO MAN plays originals and covers at Electric Brewing 2 – 5 pm 1st & 3rd Saturdays
LOCOMUNDI bring their crazy, danceable world music to Bisbee Coffee Co stage 1 – 4 pm https://www.mahavia.com/locomundi
Swap meet at Thirsty Lizard 9 am AMELIA DOLL featuring CHRISTA LEIGH 12 – 3 pm https://spoti.fi/48q6kXZ
Don’t forget to visit our new Health & Wellness section! https://thisweekinbisbee.com/health-wellness-listings/

Sunday March 3
Kafka Coffeehouse 10 am – noon live world music often featuring members of Juniper Djinn and/or Mahavia
KURT HAUSER plays classical guitar 11 am – 1 pm Bisbee Coffee Company stage
Swap meet 9 am at Thirsty Lizard SWEET AND JUICY a talented funk band that dresses like fruit play 1 – 3 pm https://www.sweetnjuicymusic.com/
THE IRREGULARS, jazz and blues from Derek Dickson, Josh Hampton, Mike Hero, Ehrenn Stonner at Hitching Post 3 pm
GERRY BUTTERWICK brings his 12-string and Americana set list to Electric Brewing 3 – 5 pm www.gerrybutterwick.bandcamp.com
DAMMIT DAN and MISS ANNA conduct “Church” at St Elmo 2:30 pm
MIRANDA MURPHY plays indie folk rock at Bisbee Grand 3 – 6 pm
COMEDY OPEN MIC Chuckleheads 8 pm – make us laugh, won’t you? Winner of audience award gets $10 prize

Monday March 4
Manic Mondays at the Bisbee Grand – $1 wings $5 margaritas!
Free Drum Circle class at Gallery at 40 Main 4 – 5 pm, drums and chairs available or bring your own!
“JAM LEFT OPEN” with Mike Montoya 6 pm-ish Gene’s Place
OPEN JAM AND PIZZA/POTUCK at St. John’s Church 19 Sowles Ave 6 – 9 pm
OPEN MIC at St Elmo. 7 pm Hosted by Shantih Nicechops, one lucky performer wins what’s in the tip jar!
This Week in Bisbee Additional Sponsors:
THE COPPER PIG … a neighborhood eatery
Sunday thru Wednesday 5 pm – 8 pm reservations required | 520-432-9970 | 412 Arizona St. Visit www.thecopperpigbisbee.com for menu
Room 4 Bar 43 Brewery Ave, “Arizona’s smallest bar” up the steep staircase in The Silver King Hotel (520) 432-3723 Live music on the patio (or indoors if raining/too cold). Drink specials. Locals night Thursday, discount with Bisbee ID.
Bitchin’ Pickins’ Bisbee located in the historic Brewery Gulch is your one-stop shop for vintage and antique clothes, gifts and home goods! Open Thursday through Sunday 10-4 and by appointment, you’ll always find something surprising at Bitchin’ Pickins’! 63 BC Brewery Ave, 360-904-3843
Your business here – contact me for info

Coming Soon:
Return of the Turkey Vultures March 8 & 9
The Prowl Motorcycle Show March 16
Alice in Bisbeeland April 19 – 2
Mile High Music Festival 4/20
Riot GRRL Fest May 3 – 5
TWIBFest This Week in Bisbee 2-year anniversary moved to September…!
This Week in Bisbee Useful Links
More City Events including Copper Queen Library education and wellness events for adults and kids: https://www.bisbeeaz.gov/2351/Events
For a complete list of Senior Center activities email activities@bisbeeseniors.org
For science-related events and activities visit www.bisbeesciencelab.org
Discover Bisbee Arizona – the official website of Bisbee https://www.discoverbisbee.com/
Queen Mine tour and reservations: https://www.copperqueenmine.com/
Bisbee Enclave: Online directory of businesses in Bisbee: https://bisbeeenclave.com/
Forever Bisbee Blog: https://foreverbisbee.com/
Bisbee Wire – Bisbee financials, left-leaning politics http://bisbeewire.com/
Health & Wellness
Visit the website for all things related to mind, body, and spirit: https://thisweekinbisbee.com/health-wellness-listings/
Closing reception and artist talk by Emiland Kray (Cyanotypes and watercolor paintings) at the Union Gallery on the Cochise College Douglas Campus from 1-3pm on Wednesday Feb 28 Artist talk will begin at 1:15pm. There will be light refreshments. 4190 HWY 80, Building 500 Douglas
Fireplace Chat: Women on the Border
Saturday, March 2 at 2:00pm
Warren Peace Cafe (Outdoor patio)
123 Arizona Street, Bisbee, AZ
Register at: https://forms.gle/5bQNMA3GQmsAtBTy9
Join us for a free Question & Answer session with Dr. Katie Benton-Cohen and Dr. Larisa Veloz to discuss the profound contributions of women in shaping the Arizona borderlands.
Her book explores the histories of Mexican migrant families, focusing on women and gender relations from the early decades of circular migrations, through depression era repatriations, to the rise of the bracero contracts and parallel family migrations from the 1940s into the 1960s. Her current project focuses on the oral histories of Mexican migrant women during the latter part of the twentieth century.
R. Brooks Jeffery, Naco Heritage Alliance
bjeffery@bisbeeaz.gov, (520) 240-7619
The Bisbee Woman’s Club is accepting applications for its 2024 grant awards from February 15 to March 29. Grants awards will be up to $1,000. Grant applications are posted on its website www.bisbeewomansclub.com in Its Grants section.The grants are intended for organizations and individuals whose project will benefit the Bisbee community. The projects will fulfil the mission of the Bisbee Woman’s Club to further education, improve skills, expand rights and meet the needs of our community. For more information about the Bisbee Woman’s Club please go to www.bisbeewomansclub.com.
The last two weekends in April, Rita Verri will be producing her show “The Rhythmn’s of Bisbee 2024” six shows. She already has an outstanding cast of performance artists and musicians/singer songwriters. She is looking for professional dancers, any age, who might want to be part of the cast. If you are interested, please call 845-304-0412.
Lonnie Mitchell’s dance lessons have moved to the Covenant Presbyterian Church Annex. We will have social dancing after the lessons in West Coast Swing and Salsa. Only $5 per person. More info: 480 586 5961.
Pottery lessons wheel throwing and hand building in Warren $120 3 Groups available Clay sculpture class $150 NO experience needed. Space is limited – scholarships available – email bisbeepotteryonthemountain@gmail.com
Nick Mueller offers private chess lessons for individuals and groups via Cascade Tutoring – cascadecochise@gmail.com for more info
Shuttle service call Leeza (520) 366 – 6909 serving all of Bisbee
Copper City Shuttle & Food Delivery in Old Bisbee 520 559 – 5304
The Bisbee Rotary Club is looking for new members! Feel free to join us at one of our meetings to get to know our club. The Bisbee Rotary Club meets the first and third Thursday of the month at 5:15pm at the VFW, 1326 Highway 92. Come learn about how the Bisbee Rotary Club works to improve our community, while having fun! For more info, contact sherrielmorgan@gmail.com
Cochise County Swap meet first Saturday and Sunday of every month 7 am – 3pm Thirsty Lizard “bring your good old fashioned junk” – no vendor fees
Have a tune in your head? Steve Moramarco will help you turn it into a song. One on one songwriting lessons email moremarkable67@gmail.com
Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to tune into the Bargain Bin Ballyhoo on KBRP radio 96.1 FM or kbrpradio.com Tuesdays from 12 – 2 pm and rebroadcast Saturdays 9 – 11 pm
Venues – all in Bisbee AZ 85603 unless noted
American Legion Post #16 1422 HWY 92 (520) 366-4558
Artemizia Foundation: Museum / Gallery of contemporary, graffiti & street art. Open Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun 11 to 4. Works by Banksy, Kusama etc. 818 Tombstone Canyon. www.ArtemiziaFoundation.org
Bisbee Books & Music 2 Main St. in the Civic Center building
(520) 353-4009
Bisbee Coffee Company 2 Copper Queen Plaza – music in the courtyard (520) 432-7879
Bisbee Grand Hotel 61 Main St 520-432-5900 Live music, full bar, and great food in a friendly, comfortable atmosphere. https://www.bisbeegrandhotel.com
Bisbee Royale – newly reopened and renovated theater! 94 Main St (520) 353-4369
Bisbee Senior Center 300 Collins Rd. (520) 432-2167 events not just for members or seniors
Bisbee Social Club (BSC) 67B Main St 520-366-3898 “Speakeasy” style bar with DJ, pool table, and live music 21 and up www.bisbeesocialclub.com
Bisbee Saturday Market Warren Vista Park https://bisbeesaturdaymarket.com/
Central School Project 43 Howell Ave (520) 432-4866 https://www.centralschoolproject.org/
Chuckleheads 41 Brewery Ave – Matt Becker’s bar featuring music, standup, and other random events. Ask him to show you a card trick. https://www.chuckleheadsaz.com/ 21 and up
Club Kilimanjahro aka Club K 33 Subway St unique event space at the top of a long flight of stairs
Copper Queen 11 Howell Ave (520) 432-2216 Arizona’s oldest hotel has full bar and food plus live music inside or on the patio https://www.copperqueen.com/
The Courtyard 18 Brewery Ave (917) 664-8353
Dot’s Diner 1 Old Douglas Road (520) 432-1112 retro diner at the Shady Dell Vintage Trailer park https://www.theshadydell.com/dotsevents
Electric Brewing 1326 W Hwy 92 (520) 800-4210 The first microbrew in Arizona, run by one of the original owner’s disciples. Also has non-alcoholic drinks on tap. www.electricbrewing.com
Gene’s Place 24 Brewery Ave – new bar in the Gulch located where the original Gene’s Place was located
Hitching Post 316 Pirrung (520) 432-2836 Bakerville/Warren’s newest hotspot with music and events almost 7 days. a week. You can also get legally “hitched” by Shantih or Katie. www.hitchingpostbisbee.com
Jonquil Motel 317 Tombstone Canyon (520) 432-7371 – vintage motel with lots of events in their backyard www.thejonqil.com
Kafka Coffee 31 Subway St.
Poco Market 15 Main St. (520) 314-5929
Room 4 Bar 43 Brewery Ave, “Arizona’s smallest bar” up the steep staircase in The Silver King Hotel (520) 432-3723
Screaming Banshee Pizza 200 Tombstone Canyon 520) 432-1300 https://www.facebook.com/ScreamingBansheePizza/
St. Elmo 36 Brewery ave (520) 432-5578 – since 1902 oldest bar in Arizona, locals’ favorite watering hole 21 and up
The Thirsty Lizard 5838 W. Double Adobe Road Bisbee, AZ 85617 (520) 221-7776
https://www.studiostargazer.org/lizard Roadhouse Food, Drinks & Atmosphere.
Event Venue-space
Quarry 40 Brewery Ave (520) 366-6868 Winner of many “Best of Bisbee” awards, locally sourced food with many vegan options https://www.facebook.com/the.quarry.bisbee
Vulcan Pottery 120-3 Naco Rd (760) 668-6609
This Week in Bisbee Person of the Week!

Andre Reyes is the owner of Kilimanjahro Event Center aka Club K at 33 Subway St. They have all kinds of events from breathwork to yoga. You can find the listings on the Health and Wellness page – https://thisweekinbisbee.com/health-wellness-listings/