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Send events: events@thisweekinbisbee.com
We now have a website! www.thisweekinbisbee.com
Feel free to save, print, or share. All shows are subject to changes or cancellations for no apparent reason – hey, it’s Bisbee!
Due to popular demand a Weekend Update email is sent out on Friday afternoons.
The list is always free, but if you love these email blasts, please consider a donation – a suggestion is $12 for a year’s worth of emails/events https://paypal.me/thisweekinbisbee (you may also send cash or check to the address at the bottom) If you use this list for your business (AirBnb, hotel, etc.) I suggest $20 per year. THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE DONATED SO FAR!
Support the artists, musicians, and events that make Bisbee great! All shows are free unless noted – tip your servers and don’t forget to TIP THE BAND! A good starting point is $5 x the number in your party. Addresses, websites, and phone numbers of venues, if available, are at the bottom of the list. NOTE THE NEW “BISBEE PERSON OF THE WEEK!” — SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM TO SEE WHO IT IS!
It’s also Hippie Heritage Weekend, “Music, Art, and Loving in the Hippie Colony of Bisbee Arizona” – events listed below.
Sponsored By:
Your business here www.yourbusiness.com – a short blurb about your business – email me for rates

Featured Event: World of Our Mothers: Mexican Revolution-era Immigrants and Their Stories
Meet the authors Miguel Montiel and Yvonne De La Torre Montiel and book signing in the 1902 Spirit Room at the Copper Queen Hotel Thursday May 4th, 4 – 5 pm
Join FREE raffle for an opportunity to win 1 of 8 signed copies.
Want your event featured? Contact me
Tuesday May 2
Superstar busker CHRISTA LEIGH plays 12 – 3 at the Copper Queen for lunch
A CRAFT GROUP is at Electric Brewing Co. Bring knitting, crocheting, quilting, beading, etc. 1 pm weekly
LIT TUESDAYS with MIKE MONTOYA at Hitching Post 6:30 – 9:30 pm – show up to play a song or just relax by the fireplace (video of fire in spring/summer)
The Bisbee Community Chorus rehearses every Tuesday 6-8:30 starting March 21 for May 20 & 21 concerts. Presbyterian annex, 24 Howell. No auditions, everyone welcome.
POOL TOURNAMENT every Tuesday at St. Elmo 7:30 pm $5 double elimination – winner takes all!
TIKI TUESDAYS at Bisbee Social Club (BSC) drink specials and exotic music
Weds May 3
OPEN STUDIO ART at the Senior Center every Weds 9 am – all mediums. BYO supplies and easel
LEATHER TOOLING at the Senior Center every Weds 12:30 – 2 pm
JAM NIGHT Bisbee Grand 6-10ish – bring your ax, sticks, and picks, and play with a gaggle of Bisbee’s best musicians but players of all levels are welcome and encouraged to sign up for a 15-minute/3 song slot. Full drum kit, keyboard, and amp backline (usually a guitar and bass you can borrow, too).
SPANISH LANGUAGE GROUP meets at Electric Brewing 4 – 6 pm
KARAOKE at Copper Queen Hotel 6 pm
THE CURE AND DEPECHE MODE concert from 1986 screens at the Hitching Post 7 pm

Thursday May 4
WORLD OF OUR MOTHERS: MEXICAN REVOLUTION-ERA IMMIGRANTS AND THEIR STORIES book signing at Copper Queen Spirit Room 4 pm https://www.facebook.com/events/227926346552838/?ti=l
WHISKEY LICKERS, Bisbee’s jug-less jug band play the Bisbee Grand 7 – 10 pm
LOCOMUNDI bring their crazy, danceable world music https://www.mahavia.com/locomundi to Hitching Post 7 pm
BOWLING FOR DILDOS St Elmo 9-11 pm – a Bisbee tradition
MIKE MONTOYA AND FRIENDS at Copper Queen 7 – 10 pm
OPEN JAM at Empyrion Hookah Lounge 6 pm. They supply the guitars, you supply the jam. $15 includes hookah and tobacco

Friday May 5 – Cinco De Mayo
CENTRAL SCHOOL PROJECT MEMBERS EXHIBITION RECEPTION 6 pm Come see the work of Julia Arriola, Peggy Avina, Gretchen Baer, Pam Blunt, Paul Bovee, Heather Buton, Gail Campbell, Risha Druckman, Jeff Hughart, Laurie McKenna, Janet Reynolds, Pam Rodrigues, Karen Schumacher, Jan Searle, Rafiki Shemanski, Jeff Shriver, Ken Sikura, Lucy St. John, and Rita Verri.
It’s NOT Mexican Independence Day-A Cinco De Mayo Comedy Show at Chuckleheads 7 pm – This show is featuring comedians Lola Hernandez, Tony Bruhn, and Peter Jordan.
Hosted By Jesus Otamendi $10 tickets https://www.chuckleheadsaz.com/event-details/chicano-power-comedy
JUNIPER DJINN play jazzy original Americana at Dot’s Diner 6:30 – 8:30pm www.juniperdjinn.com
Cinco De Julie birthday celebration featuring Tucson’s BAD NEWS BLUES BAND 5 pm – 8 pm
WHISKEY LICKERS, Bisbee’s jug-less jug band plays on Subway Street as part of Hippie Heritage Weekend 5 – 8 pm
ALEX WILKERSON brings his indie pop to Bisbee Social Club (BSC) 9 – 12 am googlemysoul.bandcamp.com
ONE GHOST rock the Hitching Post with originals and classic rock/new wave covers 7-10pm oneghost.bandcamp.com/follow_me 8 pm
OPEN MIC at American Legion Post #16 7 – 9 pm. Open to the public. Hot food and cold drinks available.
DEAN NELSON 8-11 pm Bisbee Grand https://sptfy.com/deannelson
Mike’s Amazing KARAOKE Experience now every Friday 6-10 pm Electric Brewing
“Still Above Ground” an old hippie recital of music and poetry at Kafka Coffeehouse for Hippie Heritage Weekend 6 – 8 pm music by WOODEN SHIPS, featured poets BETSY BREALT and BOB FELDMAN

Saturday May 6
Bisbee Saturday Market 9-1 pm in Warren Vista Park live music from MAHAVIA while you shop and chitchat with Bisbee locals
Local author STUART CANNOLD at Bisbee Books and Music signing his Blue Line of Death series of police thrillers 10 am – 4 pm https://5tompublishing.com/
CHESS CLUB on break until June
OUT OF THE BLUE perform jazz, funk, psychedelic, and blues every Saturday at Bisbee Social Club 2 – 5 pm
Bisbee legend TS HENRY WEBB, a former member of CBS supergroup The Flock plays the Copper Queen 7 – 10 pm
THE STEVE MORAMARCO CONSPIRACY play original “punk Americana” music. Songwriter of “Satan, Lend Me a Dollar” featured on Showtime series Weeds https://sptfy.com/NcVS Bisbee Grand 3 – 6 pm
Joshua Tree’s FIREBUG light up the Bisbee Grand 8-11 pm https://sptfy.com/firebug
Bisbee legend TS HENRY WEBB, a former member of CBS supergroup The Flock plays the Copper Queen 7 – 10 pm
JASON DEA WEST Americana with HOOKS AND THE HUCKLEBERRIES soul/country at The Quarry 8 pm www.jasondeawest.comhttps://sptfy.com/hooks
THE SUGAR THIEVES duo plays original rootsy rock n’ roll at Dot’s Diner 6:30 – 8:30 pm https://sptfy.com/sugarthieves
CHALAKO THE BAND play Latin and rock classics and originals at St Elmo 9 — 12 bring your dancing shoes https://www.reverbnation.com/Chalako/videos
ONE GHOST rock Club Kilimanjahro for Hippie Heritage Weekend 7 – 11 pm
Suzanne Walsh and Katie Kenney’s birthday bash at Hitching Post 8 pm with folk-rock from DUST CITY OPERA https://sptfy.com/dustcity
Folk/rock from JUNIPER RIDGE Bisbee Social Clube (BSC) 9 – 12 am https://sptfy.com/juniperridge
MAGGHIE O’SHEA performs originals and covers on her ukelele on the patio at Room 4 Bar in Silver King Hotel 7-10 pm
OBSCURE MOVIE NIGHT at Empyrion Hookah Lounge 6 pm. $15 includes hookah and tobacco. Tonight’s feature is chosen by audience vote.
DARAGH VAUGHAN AKA THE PIANO MAN plays originals and covers at Electric Brewing 2 – 5 pm
MOTOBILLY feat. DAMMIT DAN AND MISS ANNA perform country classics on guitar and fiddle Thirsty Lizard 1- 4 pm

Sunday May 7
BEN DALE brings his exotic homemade instruments to Grassy Park for an informal, impromptu drum circle and jam. Join in or just listen. Starting around 11 am.
THE SUGAR THIEVES duo plays original rootsy rock n’ roll at Dot’s Diner 11 am – 1 pm for brunch https://sptfy.com/sugarthieves
Superstar busker CHRISTA LEIGH plays 12 – 3 at the Copper Queen for lunch
THE HONEYDON’TS do their thing to close out HIppie Heritage Weekend at the Bisbee Coffee Company stage 12 – 2 pm
OUT OF THE BLUE perform jazz, funk, psychedelic, and blues Thirsty Lizard 1 – 4 pm
Brunch with GYPSY BLUES at Hitching Post 3 pm
US TOO featuring Stevie Peavey and Michael Matranga bring you 40s jazz to contemporary music at American Legion Post 16 for their First Sunday series 3 – 5 pm
Kafka 10 am – noon often has live music
MIGRATORY BIRDS AND WATER CONSERVATION talk with Trevor Lauber Kafka Coffeehouse 12:30 pm
THE BARN SWALLOWS play gypsy jazz Ameriana https://sptfy.com/barnswallows Electric Brewing 4 -7 pm
Bisbee Hall of Famer PAT GAHN along with DAMMIT DAN and MISS ANNA conduct “Church” at St Elmo 2:30 pm – ?
BOBBY REX is back from India and playing acoustic covers and originals Bisbee Grand 3 – 6 pm
“SHARON SUNDAYS” with host Tamela Turtle – bring your songs, stories, spoken works as well as food, drink, and family 5 – 8 pm Wiggle Room
COMEDY OPEN MIC Chuckleheads 8 pm – make us laugh, won’t you?

Monday May 8
Superstar busker CHRISTA LEIGH plays 12 – 3 at the Copper Queen for lunch
Folk punk from Portland’s THE CASUAL SCENE at The Quarry 8 pm https://sptfy.com/casual
OPEN MIC at St Elmo 7-9 pm hosted by Mr. Shantih Nicechops – one lucky performer whose name is pulled from a hat wins what’s in the tip jar!
Additional Sponsors:
THE COPPER PIG … a neighborhood eatery
Sunday thru Wednesday 5 pm – 8 pm reservations required | 520-432-9970 | 412 Arizona St. Visit www.thecopperpigibsbee.com for menu
Your business here – contact me for info

Coming Soon:
Bisbee Pride June 16 – 18
More City Events including Copper Queen Library education and wellness events for adults and kids: https://www.bisbeeaz.gov/2351/Events
For a complete list of Senior Center activities email activities@bisbeeseniors.org
For science-related events and activities visit www.bisbeesciencelab.org
Let’s Dance – join us for a group dance classic working on West Coast Swing and Salsa. Everyone is welcome. First lesson free. At Club K – text or call Lonnie for details 480 586 5961.
Pottery lessons wheel throwing and hand building in Warren $120 3 Groups available Clay sculpture class $150 NO experience needed. Space is limited – scholarships available – email bisbeepotteryonthemountain@gmail.com
New shuttle service from Old Bisbee to San Jose Square, where Electric Brewing, Empyrion Hookah Lounge, VFW Post 832, and Bisbee Laundry and Cafe are located Call Susan 520 366 1348 will pick up anywhere in Bisbee
Free shuttle to and from Hitching Post on weekends contact Kevin 520 982 5919
Have a tune in your head? Steve Moramarco will help you turn it into a song. One on one songwriting lessons email moremarkable67@gmail.com
Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to tune into the Bargain Bin Ballyhoo on KBRP radio 96.1 FM or kbrpradio.com Tuesdays from 12 – 2 pm and rebroadcast Saturdays 9 – 11 pm
Venues – all in Bisbee AZ 85603 unless noted
American Legion Post #16 1422 HWY 92 (520) 366-4558
Bisbee Books & Music 2 Main St. in the Civic Center building
(520) 353-4009
Bisbee Coffee Company 2 Copper Queen Plaza – music in the courtyard (520) 432-7879
Bisbee Grand Hotel 61 Main St 520-432-5900 Live music, full bar, and great food in a friendly, comfortable atmosphere. www.bisbeegrandhotel.com
Bisbee Hatchet House 34B Brewery Ave (520) 220-9462 https://bisbeehatchethouse.com/
Bisbee Senior Center 300 Collins Rd. (520) 432-2167 events not just for members or seniors
Bisbee Social Club (BSC) 67B Main St 520-366-3898 “Speakeasy” style bar with DJ, pool table, and live music 21 and up www.bisbeesocialclub.com
Bisbee Saturday Market Warren Vista Park https://bisbeesaturdaymarket.com/
Central School Project 43 Howell Ave (520) 432-4866 https://www.centralschoolproject.org/
Chuckleheads 41 Brewery Ave – Matt Becker’s bar featuring music, standup, and other random events. Ask him to show you a card trick. https://www.chuckleheadsaz.com/ 21 and up
Club K 33 Subway St unique event space at the top of a long flight of stairs
Copper Queen 11 Howell Ave (520) 432-2216 Arizona’s oldest hotel has full bar and food plus live music inside or on the patio https://www.copperqueen.com/
The Courtyard 18 Brewery Ave (917) 664-8353
Dot’s Diner 1 Old Douglas Road (520) 432-1112 retro diner at the Shady Dell Vintage Trailer park https://www.theshadydell.com/dotsevents
Electric Brewing 1326 W Hwy 92 (520) 800-4210 The first microbrew in Arizona, run by one of the original owner’s disciples. Also has non-alcoholic drinks on tap. www.electricbrewing.com
Empyrion Hookah Lounge – have you ever smoked a bowl of fruit loops? Now you can – as well as 31 other exotic tobacco flavors in this large, comfortable lounge. Karaoke-on-demand Tuesday – Sunday 2pm – close 1326 W Highway 92 #5 (520) 265-3902 empyrionlounge.com
Hitching Post 316 Pirrung (520) 432-2836 Bakerville/Warren’s newest hotspot with music and events almost 7 days. a week. You can also get legally “hitched” by Shantih or Katie. www.hitchingpostbisbee.com
Kafka Coffee 31 Subway St.
Poco Market 15 Main St. (520) 314-5929
Room 4 Bar 43 Brewery Ave, “Arizona’s smallest bar” up the steep staircase in The Silver King Hotel (520) 432-3723
Screaming Banshee Pizza 200 Tombstone Canyon 520) 432-1300 https://www.facebook.com/ScreamingBansheePizza/
St. Elmo 36 Brewery ave (520) 432-5578 – since 1902 oldest bar in Arizona, locals’ favorite watering hole 21 and up
The Thirsty Lizard 5838 W. Double Adobe Road Bisbee, AZ 85617 (520) 221-7776
https://www.studiostargazer.org/lizard Roadhouse Food, Drinks & Atmosphere.
Event Venue-space
Quarry 40 Brewery Ave (520) 366-6868 Winner of many “Best of Bisbee” awards, locally sourced food with many vegan options https://www.facebook.com/the.quarry.bisbee
Vulcan Pottery 120-3 Naco Rd (760) 668-6609
Wiggle Room 65 Brewery Ave
Bisbee Person of the Week!

Katie Kenney is the woman behind all the amazing shows at The Hitching Post – she’s like our very own punk rock cruise director! Wish her a happy birthday on Saturday at the Post and tell her you saw her in TWIB!
I love Katie!!!!!