A handy guide for Music, Art + Culture events & things to do this week in Bisbee, Arizona
Halloween Events in Bisbee!
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Feel free to save, print, or share. All shows are subject to changes or cancellations for no apparent reason – hey, it’s Bisbee!
This Week in Bisbee is emailed Tuesdays @ noon, with a Weekend Update sent on Friday afternoons.
It’s always free, but if you find you use it often, please consider a donation – a suggestion is $12 for a year’s worth of emails/events https://paypal.me/thisweekinbisbee (you may also send cash or check to the address at the bottom) If you use this list for your business (AirBnb, hotel, etc.) I suggest $20 per year. This Week in Bisbee has over 1350 active subscribers and still growing every week! If you’d like to be a sponsor, contact me.
Hardcopy printouts of this list are available outside of KBRP headquarters, 2 Copper Queen Plaza (upstairs directly above the Table).

Halloween weekend in Bisbee! Since Halloween is next Thursday, many events will occur this weekend, as well as October 31. It’s also the Bisbee B.R.A.T.S. parade on Saturday 4 pm! Bisbee Rolling Art Transport Society. A gravity feuled parade down Tombstone Canyon using whacky artist inspired soap box derby cars. https://www.bisbeebrats.com/
Venue addresses, websites, and phone numbers if available, are at the bottom of the list.

- LISTEN TO THE PODCAST Fifteen-minute episodes
- Want to plan ahead? Bisbee Monthly Calendar Section
- Health, Wellness & Beauty
This Week in Bisbee Sponsored By:
Bisbee Bikeways
Thank you everyone for helping us reach our goal of $34,599. This project is a grassroots effort where a small non profit is trying to make infrastructure changes in rural Arizona. This requires stamina and fortitude to disassemble entrenched power structures in government, and transportation. We continue to persist in creating an alternative transportation system amidst a car-centered world. Please make a donation to help us continue these efforts here
Your business here – a short blurb about your business – email me for rates


The Carrick Hotel! Pet costumes will be judged by the Bisbee Animal Shelter, and winners will be announced at 3:00pm.
Tuesday October 22
INDUSTRY DAY at Bisbee Grand – discounts for all hospitality workers
A CRAFT GROUP is at Electric Brewing Co. Bring knitting, crocheting, quilting, beading, etc. 1 pm weekly
AMELIA DOLL performs for Taco Tuesdays at Los Hermanos 12 – 3 pm https://spoti.fi/48q6kXZ
MULE MOUNTAIN TRIO featuring multi-talented musicians Steve Peavey, Timothy Dick, and Evan Hubbard play traditional country Hitching Post 2 pm
LITUESDAY at Hitching Post hosted by Mike Montoya – 6-ish to 9 – sign up to perform or just relax and listen
Free pool at St Elmo
Weds October 23
OPEN STUDIO ART at the Senior Center every Weds 9 am – noon all mediums. BYO supplies and easel
LEATHER TOOLING at the Senior Center every Weds 12:30 – 2 pm
SPANISH LANGUAGE GROUP meets at Electric Brewing 4 – 6 pm
THE IRREGULARS (Derek Dickson & guests) play every Weds 3 – 6 pm Gene’s Place followed by FPI (Fatigo Pop-In). Mike Montoya plays quirky original tunes to top off your hump day- a potential “pop-in” by Fatigo band mates is highly probable 7 – 10 pm
JAM NIGHT Bisbee Grand 6-10ish – bring your ax, sticks, and picks, and play with a gaggle of Bisbee’s best musicians but players of all levels are welcome and encouraged to sign up for a 20-minute slot. Full drum kit, keyboard, and amp backline (usually a guitar and bass you can borrow, too).

Thursday October 24
MULE MOUNTAIN TRIO featuring multi-talented musicians Steve Peavey, Timothy Dick, and Evan Hubbard play traditional country St Elmo 2 pm
Portrait drawing at Central School Project 5:30 – 7:30 pm $5 – $10 suggested donation. The room will have easels and drawing boards for you to use, and we can supply paper and drawing materials if needed.
“Family Day” at Thirsty Lizard with KID’S KARAOKE 6:30 – 7:30 and STARGAZER KARAOKE 8 – 11 pm
PUMPKIN CARVING with Andrea and Carell at Hitching Post 7 pm
LOCOMUNDI bring their crazy world music to Bisbee Grand 7 – 10 pm https://www.mahavia.com/locomundi
BOWLING FOR DILDOS St Elmo 9-11 pm – a Bisbee tradition

Friday October 25
Sacrifice Your Pumpkin! October 25th – 31st Bring your carved pumpkin to The Carrick Hotel and receive a treat. Voting is open to the public, both online and in person! Over $100 in prizes awarded to the top three winners!
“Locals Day” at Thirsty Lizard with OPEN JAM 2 – 6 pm
LOS AMIGOS play their “friend”-ly mix of classic rock and Latin covers at Copper Queen 5 – 8 pm
JULES JAZZ LOUNGE (Juliana and Brian from Mahavia) sing torch songs Dot’s Diner/The Shady Dell 6:30 pm
OPEN MIC at House Royale (Bisbee Royale) 7 pm
HAUNTED HOTEL 6:30 – 8 pm The Mile High Ranch is back at it for their fourth Season of Screams. Join the fun for FREE family friendly shows and a haunted house tour, brought to you in part by the Bisbee High School Band Students. Learn all about it at: https://www.gardensatmilehighranch.com/halloween-2024
KARAOKE at Electric Brewing 6 pm
Central School Project presents STAND BY FOR FAILURE: A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT NEGATIVLAND in the theater. Doors open 6:30 pm, movie at 7 pm. $5 suggested donation, In 1978 David “The Weatherman” Wills, Richard Lyons and Mark Hosler formed Negativland, which quickly became an absurd and noisy multimedia world without boundaries, ownership or privacy. They are much more than a band. Ryan Worsley captures their story. A Q and A with her will follow the screening!
HALLOWEEN PARTY at Chuckleheads 8 pm – ?
ZOMBIE PROM Hitching Post 8 pm, cavort with the undead, featuring TANZ DER VAMPYR, BYSMYTH, and more
Funky, horn-based Latin grooves from RUTA VERBENA https://spoti.fi/3Ad7RFt Bisbee Grand 8 – 11 pm
Country troubadour DAVID MINER https://spoti.fi/4h9yDPU Gene’s Place 7 pm
Hoedown with BANJO JOE & DANIELLE https://spoti.fi/3Ylp6xB The Quarry 8 pm
DJ GIDZILLA pumps out the beats Bisbee Social Club (BSC) 9 – midnight

Saturday October 26 Bisbee B.R.A.T.S.
Bisbee Saturday Market 9-1 pm in Warren Vista Park live music from LOS AMIGOS while you shop and chitchat with Bisbee locals.
ART IN THE GREENHOUSE 9 am – 5 pm at Sense of Place 99 Hwy 92. Twelve local artists display their works.
CHESS CLUB meets every Saturday 10 am – noon at Copper Queen Library. All levels welcome, boards and pieces provided.
Long-absent musician JUDE VALENTINE returns to Bisbee for an acoustic show at the newly opened Allen & Co coffee shop at 31 Subway St. 10 am https://spoti.fi/4h7SYFn
MAGGHIE O’SHEA performs originals and covers on her ukelele Bisbee Coiffee Company Stage 11 am – 1 pm
Bisbee Hall-of-famer and member of The Flock TS HENRY WEBB plays Los Hermanos (formerly Contessa’s Cantina) noon -3 pm https://www.reverbnation.com/tshenrywebb
Tournament style Texas hold ’em poker game weekly on Saturdays at 1 pm. $10 buy in. Come have some fun Electric Brewing.
Legendary graphic designer, muralist, and fine artist: CEY ADAMS comes to Bisbee and Artemizia! “Universal” a solo exhibition opens from 1-4pm in Artemizia’s Gallery 818. Admission is free for members and $10 for non-members. https://www.artemiziafoundation.org/post/cey-adams-universal
OUT OF THE BLUE perform jazz, funk, psychedelic, and blues every Saturday at Bisbee Social Club 2 – 5 pm
Original country from MISS SOSHA live at the Thirsty Lizard 2 – 5 pm https://spoti.fi/4dPzjqF
B.R.A.T.S. Bisbee Rolling Art Transport Society. A gravity feuled parade down Tombstone Canyon using whacky artist inspired soap box derby cars. Meet at the Jonquil 3 pm, lineup at 3:30 pm at the Copper Man, we roll at 4 pm!
AMELIA DOLL captures the raw decadence of emotion, through unique lyricism and strong rhythm guitar. https://spoti.fi/48q6kXZ Bisbee Grand 2 – 5 pm
PETS COSTUME CONTEST at the 2nd Annual “Howell-ween” Celebration on Howell Ave at The Carrick Hotel! Pet costumes will be judged by the Bisbee Animal Shelter, and winners will be announced at 3:00pm
HAUNTED HOTEL 6:30 – 8 pm The Mile High Ranch is back at it for their fourth Season of Screams. Join the fun for FREE family friendly shows and a haunted house tour, brought to you in part by the Bisbee High School Band Students. Learn all about it at: https://www.gardensatmilehighranch.com/halloween-2024
BISBEE CANNIBAL CLUB “Road Kill” Bill’s local cult classic screens 6:30 pm at Dot’s Diner/The Shady Dell
HALLOWEEN AT THE COPPER QUEEN. Annual block party in front of the Copper Queen Hotel 6 pm – 1 am. Costume contest, haunted maze, booze, and DJ Tickets https://www.ticketleap.events/tickets/copperqueenhotel/halloween-at-copper-queen
The Oliver House is having the grand opening of their in-house bar at 7pm! Enter through the 26 Souls entrance (off Angius near Tack Ave– look for the green lantern!)
Long-absent musician JUDE VALENTINE returns to Bisbee for an evening show at Oldfield Oasis 5 pm 5288 N Lead Stra, Bisbee 85603 https://spoti.fi/4h7SYFn
Halloween party with TANZ DER VAMPYRE at House Royale (Bisbee Royale) 7 pm $15
HALLOWEEN PARTY at Chuckleheads 8 pm – ?
Grand Burlesque presents HALLOWEEN TOWN Burlesque show. Expect cosumes, games, prizes, and of course Girls! Girls! Girls! Bisbee Grand 8-11 pm $25 VIP table seat $10 GA https://www.eventbrite.com/e/grand-burlesque-presents-halloween-town-tickets-1029309009957
The Quarry presents indie pop from husband/wife team GOODNIGHT SUZIE 8 pm https://spoti.fi/3BM6ez0
ROCKUS create a ruckus with classic rock/new wave covers St Elmo 9 – 2 am
Jazzy pop from FATIGO BZB plus THE MADCAPS Hitching Post 8 pm https://sptfy.com/fatigo1
Drag Night with JESSICA MICHAELS Gene’s Place 9 pm
Funky, horn-based Latin grooves from RUTA VERBENA https://spoti.fi/3Ad7RFt Bisbee Social Club (BSC) 9 – midnight
MAHAVIA play Flamenco and Spanish music with powerful vocals from Juliana Thomas https://www.mahavia.com on the patio at Room 4 Bar in Silver King Hotel 7-10 pm
Listen to the podcast! https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/twib

Sunday October 27
ART IN THE GREENHOUSE 9 am – 5 pm at Sense of Place 99 Hwy 92. Twelve local artists display their works.
Pool Tournaments starting at 11AM-2PM • Kids, Learn How to Shoot Pool with Grannie Sue from 3-5PM Thirsty Lizard
MAGGHIE O’SHEA performs originals and covers on her ukelele at the newly re-opened Los Hermanos (formerly Contessa’s Cantina) noon – 2 pm
Portrait drawing @object.hotel at 29 Main Street 12:30 – 2 pm. $10, we have some easels and a table but please bring you own supplies.
DAVE MENSCH Singer/Songwriter Acoustic Rock and Country davemensch.com St. Elmo 2 – 5 pm
PROJECT WILDLIFE BISBEE will be holding a fundraiser at the Gazebo in Warren’s Upper Vista Park, 4pm-6pm. This will include a celebration of the nearly 100 gardeners who, by registering their individual gardens with the National Wildlife Federation as Wildlife Habitats in 2023, succeeded in having Bisbee awarded the rare certification of ‘Community Wildlife Habitat’, one of the very few cities in Arizona ever to receive this honor. A contribution of $25 per person is suggested. RSVPs would be appreciated by the 23rd if possible by emailing plantnativeinbisbee@gmail.com
Hoedown with BANJO JOE & DANIELLE https://spoti.fi/3Ylp6xB Gene’s Place 3 pm Sweethearts for over a decade, they are currently touring the western US in a converted school bus and performing live music.
BADFOOT performs badass originals and covers 12 – 2 pm Warren Peace Cafe
Meet & greet info session for printmaking with Doug Weber at Central School Project 2 – 4 pm. We invite you to come meet Doug, learn about what he is offering, and see the CSP printmaking area. It’s a casual meet and greet to determine the needs based on turn-out. The art of printmaking is historically cooperative due to the need to share press resources and CSP wants to help. We are aiming for November workshop dates. If you are interested and can’t attend this, email Doug douglasweber65@gmail.com
FOR THE LOVE OF MUSIC concert series at Bisbee Women’s Club 7 Ledge Ave 3 pm a performance by bassist and vocalist Philip Henry Alejo, along with pianist Rie Tanaka. Tickets $25, youth thru High School free. More info: https://www.bisbeewomansclub.com/love-of-music
MELISSA REAVES with SAM PANTHER & PHILLIP BYNOE at Sweet Hall (St. John’s Hall) 19 Sowles St. with ambient music from FRANK TORNOE 6:30 doors 7 – 9 pm show – pay what you can.
Brian Mullin’s FOOLALOOF is a Spontaneous Sonic Exotica featuring Lisle Ellis, T.S. Henry Webb, John Cordes, Adam Smolen and Michael Gregory.Hitching Post 6 pm
BUCKY MILLS plays favorite songs from the 70’s to today in a folk-Americana style while sharing stories between songs Electric Brewing 2 – 4 pm
Country troubadour DAVID MINER Bisbee Grand 3 – 6 pm https://spoti.fi/4h9yDPU
Comedy open mic at Chuckleheads 8 pm – make us laugh, won’t you? Winner of audience award gets $10 prize

Monday October 28
Manic Mondays at the Bisbee Grand $1 wings $5 margaritas
DRUM CIRCLE at Gallery at 40 main 4 pm
OPEN JAM AND PIZZA/POTUCK at St. John’s Church 19 Sowles Ave 6 – 9 pm
Metal Monday at the Hitching Post with BYSMYTH, GALENA, and THE COUP (new Mike Montoya project) 8 pm
OPEN MIC at St Elmo. 8 pm Hosted by Shantih Nicechops, one lucky performer wins what’s in the tip jar!
This Week in Bisbee Additional Sponsors:
THE COPPER PIG … a neighborhood eatery
Sunday thru Wednesday 5 pm – 8 pm reservations required | 520-432-9970 | 412 Arizona St. Visit www.thecopperpigbisbee.com for menu
Bitchin’ Pickins’ Bisbee located in the historic Brewery Gulch is your one-stop shop for vintage and antique clothes, gifts and home goods! Open Thursday through Sunday 10-4 and by appointment, you’ll always find something surprising at Bitchin’ Pickins’! 63 BC Brewery Ave, 360-904-3843
Your business here – contact me for info

Coming Soon Flyers

Also Coming Soon:
Bisbee Art Walk is second Saturday of every month 5 – 8 pm various galleries around town
Mariachi Festival November 2 http://bisbeemariachifestival.com/
Sidepony Express Music Festival November 9 https://www.facebook.com/sideponyexpress
Bisbee Woman’s Club Home Tour and Art, Chairs and More Auction November 29 & 30 https://www.bisbeewomansclub.com/home-tour-chair-auction
This Week in Bisbee Useful Links
More City Events including Copper Queen Library education and wellness events for adults and kids: https://www.bisbeeaz.gov/2351/Events
For a complete list of Senior Center activities email activities@bisbeeseniors.org
Bisbee Science Lab www.bisbeesciencelab.org
Discover Bisbee Arizona – the official website of Bisbee https://www.discoverbisbee.com/
Queen Mine tour and reservations: https://www.copperqueenmine.com/
The Bisbee Observer – our local newspaper – subscribe today! https://thebisbeeobserver.com/
Bisbee Enclave: Online directory of businesses in Bisbee: https://bisbeeenclave.com/
Forever Bisbee Blog: https://foreverbisbee.com/
Bisbee Wire – Bisbee financials, left-leaning politics http://bisbeewire.com/
Bisbee Bikeways newsletter – https://mailchi.mp/8458a3bc2425/project-update-16196387?e=[UNIQID]
Bisbee Monthly Calendar Section https://thisweekinbisbee.com/monthly-bisbee-event-calendars/
Health & Wellness, Beauty: https://thisweekinbisbee.com/health-wellness-listings/
MONSTERS WANTED! Are you a big fan of all things Halloween? Do you enjoy being the cause of oodles of wet pants? Actors for all positions are invited to share your excitement and wish to participate by writing to Henry at: milehighranchaz@gmail.com He will answer all of your questions and talk about opportunities to get involved.
Petition to Save Lowell Buildings from Abandonment and demolition. Freeport MacMoRan has canceled the leases of multiple tenants with the plans on abandoning these functioning and historic buildings. We call on Freeport to designate, protect, maintain or sell historic properties throughout Bisbee that are Brick and Mortar, Steel Headframes, Concentrators, and other landmark mining structures that make Bisbee a unique historic destination where the public learns about this history of copper mining in Arizona. https://www.change.org/p/save-americana-historic-lowell-district-in-jeopardy
Bisbee Community Chorus (BCC) is rehearsing musical programs for a Christmas Singalong on Dec. 7, winter concerts on Dec. 14 and 15, and several other community events. Check TWIB for details as they evolve. BCC info: http:/www.bisbeechorus.org
1st & 3rd Thursdays 10a-12p WAM! We are Moms, a community of moms learning and growing together! An opportunity to build your mom tribe with a dedicated two hours of discussion and crafts -with- childcare! And snacks! (for kids AND moms) @ The Community Church of Warren, 201 Arizona St Bisbee (Not a religious group)|
Hi everyone, I’m on a committee at Bisbee High School that is called the “Sunshine Committee.” We’ve decided to give our staff some positive encouragement through celebrating birthdays, accomplishments, and just all-around cheer. One of our teachers has been putting $10 of her own money in birthday cards that we all sign, but I think it would be better to give gift cards/certificates to local Bisbee businesses. If you would like to support our endeavor to make our staff feel appreciated, please do! I would be happy to come to you to pick up anything you’d like to donate, or you could drop something at the school for the “Sunshine Committee.” Thank you! Amy Brett My school email is abrett@busd.k12.az.us
LADIES’ NIGHT CLOTHING EXCHANGE Wednesdays at St Elmo. Come in and trade your old clothes or just pick something out for a donation. Donations will be given to the woman’s shelter in Bisbee.
Good day! My name is Jon aka The “Bisbee Music Man” I am a instrument tutor and performer. I am reaching out in search of wind instruments (woodwinds and brass) that have been gathering dust in your storage. Willing to purchase or except as a donation. These instruments will be loaned to students for summer tutoring and practice. Any offers please feel free to connect me via “The “Bisbee Music Man”” Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558654217630
The Stepping Back in Time Walking Tour with historian Boyd Nicholl will take you through the streets of Bisbee while sharing the community’s history. The tour starts at the Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum building stairs each Saturday at 2:00 pm and is limited to 12 guests. https://bit.ly/BMHMWalkingTours
Lonnie Mitchell’s dance lessons have moved to the Covenant Presbyterian Church Annex. We will have social dancing after the lessons in West Coast Swing and Salsa. Only $5 per person. More info: 480 586 5961.
Pottery lessons wheel throwing and hand building in Warren $120 3 Groups available Clay sculpture class $150 NO experience needed. Space is limited – scholarships available – email bisbeepotteryonthemountain@gmail.com
Nick Mueller offers private chess lessons for individuals and groups via Cascade Tutoring – cascadecochise@gmail.com for more info
Shuttle service call Leeza (520) 366 – 6909 serving all of Bisbee
Copper City Shuttle & Food Delivery in Old Bisbee 520 559 – 5304
The Bisbee Rotary Club is looking for new members! Feel free to join us at one of our meetings to get to know our club. The Bisbee Rotary Club meets the first and third Thursday of the month at 5:15pm at the VFW, 1326 Highway 92. Come learn about how the Bisbee Rotary Club works to improve our community, while having fun! For more info, contact sherrielmorgan@gmail.com
Cochise County Swap meet Sunday of every month 7 am – 3pm Thirsty Lizard “bring your good old fashioned junk” – no vendor fees
Have a tune in your head? Steve Moramarco will help you turn it into a song. One on one songwriting lessons email moremarkable67@gmail.com
Allen & Co.. 31 Subway St. – New coffee shop in a familiar location
American Legion Post #16 1422 HWY 92 (520) 366-4558
Artemizia Foundation: Museum / Gallery of contemporary, graffiti & street art. Open Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun 11 to 4. Works by Banksy, Kusama etc. 818 Tombstone Canyon. www.ArtemiziaFoundation.org
Bisbee Books & Music 2 Main St. in the Civic Center building
(520) 353-4009
Bisbee Coffee Company 2 Copper Queen Plaza – music in the courtyard (520) 432-7879
Bisbee Grand Hotel 61 Main St 520-432-5900 Live music, full bar, and great food in a friendly, comfortable atmosphere. https://www.bisbeegrandhotel.com
Bisbee Senior Center 300 Collins Rd. (520) 432-2167 events not just for members or seniors
Bisbee Social Club (BSC) 67B Main St 520-366-3898 “Speakeasy” style bar with DJ, pool table, and live music 21 and up www.bisbeesocialclub.com
Bisbee Saturday Market Warren Vista Park https://bisbeesaturdaymarket.com/
Central School Project 43 Howell Ave (520) 432-4866 https://www.centralschoolproject.org/
Chuckleheads 41 Brewery Ave – Matt Becker’s bar featuring music, standup, and other random events. Ask him to show you a card trick. https://www.chuckleheadsaz.com/ 21 and up
Club Kilimanjahro aka Club K 33 Subway St unique event space at the top of a long flight of stairs
Copper Queen 11 Howell Ave (520) 432-2216 Arizona’s oldest hotel has full bar and food plus live music inside or on the patio https://www.copperqueen.com/
The Courtyard 18 Brewery Ave (917) 664-8353
Dot’s Diner/Shady Dell 1 Old Douglas Road (520) 432-1112 retro diner at the Shady Dell Vintage Trailer park https://www.theshadydell.com/dotsevents
Electric Brewing 1326 W Hwy 92 (520) 800-4210 The first microbrew in Arizona, run by one of the original owner’s disciples. Also has non-alcoholic drinks on tap. www.electricbrewing.com
Gene’s Place 24 Brewery Ave – new bar in the Gulch located where the original Gene’s Place was located
Hitching Post 316 Pirrung (520) 432-2836 Bakerville/Warren’s newest hotspot with music and events almost 7 days. a week. You can also get legally “hitched” by Katie. www.hitchingpostbisbee.com
House Royale (formerly Bisbee Royale) – newly reopened and renovated theater! 94 Main St (520) 353-4369
Jonquil Motel 317 Tombstone Canyon (520) 432-7371 – vintage motel with lots of events in their backyard www.thejonqil.com
Los Hermanos (Formerly Contessa’s Cantina) 202 Tombstone Canyon often has live music for lunch
Room 4 Bar 43 Brewery Ave, “Arizona’s smallest bar” up the steep staircase in The Silver King Hotel (520) 432-3723
St. Elmo 36 Brewery ave (520) 432-5578 – since 1902 oldest bar in Arizona, locals’ favorite watering hole 21 and up
The Thirsty Lizard 5838 W. Double Adobe Road Bisbee, AZ 85617 (520) 221-7776
https://www.studiostargazer.org/lizard Roadhouse Food, Drinks & Atmosphere.
Event Venue-space
Quarry 40 Brewery Ave (520) 366-6868 Winner of many “Best of Bisbee” awards, locally sourced food with many vegan options https://www.facebook.com/the.quarry.bisbee
Warren Peace Cafe 123 Arizona St – new cafe in Warren! www.warrenpeacecafe.com
Venues – all in Bisbee AZ 85603 unless noted
This Week in Bisbee Person of the Week!